Animação e Expressões Artísticas
Cod: 11004
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course unit focus on issues concerning the interpenetration of informal and formal universes of education, art and culture, conceived as potential spaces of creativity, communitarian and personal development, in particular through the contribution of languages and of artistic, cultural, and recreational community development instruments. Central concepts of school and of educative-cultural territory, of community and of community development, bound the conception, the implementation and the evaluation of projects oriented to populations and groups, in function of their needs and of their aspirations contextualized and identified as objectives and stages of development.

  1. Education
  2. Animation
  3. Art
  4. Culture

In the end, students are expected to be able to SUBSTANTIATE, CREATE, GUIDE and BE RETROACTIVE on experiences and specific projects of artistic animation in formal and informal contexts of education, art and culture.

This course unit deals with the following issues:
Theme 1: The educating subject educates himself
How and why do I question the educating subject and citizen that inhabits in me?
Theme 2: Profile of the artistic animator
Which features and trends do I identify in my profile as animator that can be modulated, developed and improved?
Theme 3: School and educational and cultural territory
In which contexts, with which means and with which population groups do I prepare my animation projects?
Theme 4: Animation and community
Which ground lines and theoretical and conceptual guidance can I use to prepare my animation projects?
Theme 5: Creation, implementation and avalutaion of artistic animation projects
With whom, for whom, how and With which goals and directions do I create, implement and evaluate projects of animation through artistic expressions?

MARTINS, Amílcar. (Coordenação). (2002). Didáctica das Expressões. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
MARTINS, Amílcar. (2007). Práticas Educativas e Representações Artístico-Culturais Luso-Nipónicas: O caso de Tanegashima no Japão. Colóquio Internacional Interdisciplinar “Eu e o Outro”, 30 e 31 de Outubro de 2006. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.
SOUSA, Alberto B. (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação. 1º Volume: Bases Psicopedagógicas. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
SOUSA, Alberto B. (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação. 2º Volume: Drama e Dança. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
SOUSA, Alberto B. (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação. 3º Volume: Música e Artes Plásticas. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Other resources (mini-videos)


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).