Abordagens Comparadas em Bibliotecas
Cod: 12169
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This curricular unit proposes an expansion of the reflection on the educational role of libraries, considering several types of libraries, in addition to school libraries, such as public libraries or higher education libraries. It is also intended that students learn about different contexts of Portuguese speaking countries where libraries play an essential role in accessing and promoting knowledge and in supporting the development of essential skills to act in today's society.

School library
Public Library
Academic Library Higher
Education Library

It is expected that by the end of this course, students are be able to:
- Discuss the roles of different types of information and documentation units in today's society and in different contexts.
- Discuss the main challenges for libraries in the 21st century.
- Consider the role of technologies in the 21st century library.
- Identify action strategies in conjunction with different audiences and informative and educational objectives.

1.Typologies of libraries: roles and functions
2. Challenges for 21st century libraries
3. Contexts of action and strategies: information and training in the library

-Principles on Public Access in Libraries (2015) 
-Desenvolvimento e acesso à informação 2019, IFLA.
-Stephen Pinfield, Andrew Cox & Sophie Rutter (2017). Mapping the Future of Academic Libraries: SCONUL
- Christie Koontz e Barbara Gubbin (2013). Diretrizes da IFLA sobre os serviços da biblioteca pública. Trad. Portuguesa.

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.