Thematic Seminar – Os Cristãos Novos no Portugal Moderno
Code: 33007
ECTS: 15
Departament: Department of Social Sciences and Management
Field of Study: History
Keywords: New Christians Diaspora; Diaspora; Modern Age; Inquisition
Maria do Carmo Teixeira Pinto
Área Científica: History (Modern History).
Course Description:
In the late XVth century, king Manuel I has determined the forced baptism of all the Jewish population living in the kingdom. In addition, he implemented a number of actions aiming to assure from a legal perspective a full integration of the former minority group in the Christian dominated society. The newly converted started then to be referred as new Christians.
Similarly to their ancestors, the new Christians continued to play a major role in the Portuguese society. But, from now on they could ascend socially and having access to the nobility and the clergy. As a consequence they also gained access to the university, many graduating in law and medicine, as well as the military orders. How would then the old Christians react to this new presence amongst their core social structures?
The pressure from the Portuguese society upon the new Christians raised steadily across the following years and centuries, these being accused of not having effectively abandoned their old religious beliefs and practices as well as their ways of behaving presenting a clear threat to religious and social cohesion of the Portuguese monarchy. It was with the precise aim of eradicating this problem that king John III requested to the Holy Seed the establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal. From that moment on, the everyday life of the new Christians became particularly difficult as they were the main target of the Inquisition and its repression. This led to a large number of members of the community to depart the country and became the main actors of the Diaspora movement which gained momentum in the XVIth century and spread across “the four corners of the world”.
– To be able to identify the state of the art on the topic;
– To be able to produce a critical reflexion on the issues being discussed, establishing the appropriate connections between them;
– To be able to discuss, assess and compare the various scientific approaches on the topic;
– To be able to identify and select appropriate sources and references according to the different types of work within the seminar activities.
New Christians in Portuguese society
New Christians and the Inquisition
The presence of Portuguese New Christians in other geographical spaces
ALMEIDA, A. A. Marques de dir. – Mercadores e Gente de Trato. Lisboa: Campo da Comunicação, 2009.
AZEVEDO, Carlos A. Moreira – Ministros do Diabo. Os seis sermões de autos da fé (1586-1595) de Afonso de Castelo Branco, bispo de Coimbra. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2018.
BARRETO, Luís Filipe [et al.] coord. – Inquisição Portuguesa. Tempo, Razão e Circunstância. Lisboa-São Paulo: Prefácio, 2007.
AZEVEDO, J. Lúcio de – História dos cristãos‐novos portugueses. 3ª ed. Lisboa: Liv. Clássica Editora, 1989.
MARCOCCI, Giuseppe; PAIVA, José Pedro – História da Inquisição Portuguesa (1536-1821). Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros, 2013.
MUCZNIK, Lúcia Liba; TAVIM, José Alberto Rodrigues da Silva; MUCZNIK, Esther e MEA, Elvira de Azevedo coord. – Dicionário do judaísmo português. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2009.
PÉREZ, Joseph – Los Judíos en Espanã. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2005.
PINTO, Maria do Carmo Teixeira – Os cristãos-novos de Elvas no Reinado de D. João IV: heróis ou anti-heróis? Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 2003. Tese Doutoramento.
REMÉDIOS, J. Mendes dos – Os Judeus em Portugal. Coimbra, 1895. vol I (reimp. Lisboa, Liv. Alcalá, 2004).
RUNA, Lucília; PINTO, Maria do Carmo Teixeira – Vivências de uma comunidade cristã nova no século XVI: Castelo de Vide. Patrimonia: Identidade, Ciências Sociais e Fruição Cultural. Cascais, nº 3 (1997) p. 11-22.
TAVARES, Maria José Pimenta Ferro – Judaísmo e Inquisição – Estudos. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1987.
TAVARES, Maria José Pimenta Ferro – Para o estudo dos judeus de Trás-os-Montes, no século XVI: a 1ª geração de cristãos novos. Revista Cultura História e Filosofia. Lisboa: CHC, vol. IV (1985) p. 371-417.
TAVIM, José Alberto – Judeus e cristãos-novos de Cochim. História e Memória (1500-1662). Braga: APPACDM Distrital de Braga, 2003.
VENTURA, Maria da Graça – Portugueses no Peru ao tempo da União Ibérica. Mobilidade, cumplicidades e vivências. Lisboa: IN-CM, 2005. 3 vols.
Workload (hours): 390
Contact Hours: 60
The form of assessment of doctoral students is continuous assessment. Students are assessed in reference to all different elements of their participation in the seminar.
Doctoral students must have access to a PC and internet connectivity, as well as an email address and as much as possible digital literacy.
The seminar is taught in Portuguese. It is recommended however that doctoral students have also Spanish and French reading skills.
Language(s) of Instruction: Portuguese.
Contact for virtual mobility students: Communication and International Relations Office –