Licenciatura em Matemática e Aplicações

Presentation vídeo

Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Distance teaching  Teaching Language: Portuguese

The Degree in Mathematics and Applications is aimed for those interested in acquiring or complementing, a solid and comprehensive training in Mathematics, it promotes interdisciplinarity and contact with important applications. This training allows its graduates to enter or progress in the industry, technology, or services labor market; and to pursue their studies towards teaching and/or research. In the professional opportunities for graduates of this degree, the areas of education and training, business, and services, stand out.

 Considering a vertical articulation, the course provides access to the Master in Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, and the Master in Biostatistics and Biometrics.

The course is taught in a distance learning framework, in a virtual classroom within a specialized e-learning platform and adopting the Virtual Pedagogical Model of the Universidade Aberta.

 As prerequisites, candidates for this course must have access to a computer with an Internet connection and computer knowledge from a user's perspective. Candidates must have knowledge of the Portuguese language.

 For students enrolling for the first time in Universidade Aberta, an online adaptation module precedes the start of the teaching activities. This module lasts about two weeks, with the aim of adjusting and familiarizing students with the e-learning platform of Universidade Aberta.

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Curricular estructure:

The Degree in Mathematics and Applications has a Major/Minor structure, yielding a total of 180 ECTS. The Major in Mathematics and Applications lasts for two academic years and corresponds to 120 ECTS.  In the third academic year, the Major must be articulated with a single Minor (60 ECTS) from one of the following two options:

 • Minor in Mathematics and Applications

• Minor in Statistics and Applications

 As an alternative to full-time study, the degree can also be studied as part-time. The curricular units of this degree are also offered for enrollment as Isolated Curricular Units.