The course of Introduction to European Studies offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of Europe, providing students with an exploratory contact with its history, geography, culture, economy, and politics. Students will study the origins of European civilisation, major historical events, geographical diversity, and cultural impact. The course will cover significant literary authors, philosophical currents, influential religions, and the political and economic development of the continent. Additionally, the institutions of the European Union, its economic and security policies, as well as its external relations, will be analyzed. This course aims to provide an introductory, comprehensive, and critical understanding of Europe and its role in the world, preparing students for the other subjects in their Bachelor's degree.
Europe; European culture; european society; European Union
Upon successfully completing this Course, students should have achieved the following learning objectives:
1. Introduction to European Studies
2. Humanistic and Cultural European Studies
3. Political European Studies
4. Economic European Studies
Detailed syllabus
1. Introduction to European Studies
1.1. The Idea of Europe
1.2. Geography of Europe
2. Humanistic and Cultural European Studies
2.1. European Literature
2.2. European Philosophy and Thought
2.3. Religion and Spirituality
3. Political European Studies
3.1. Political History of Europe
3.2. European Political Thought
3.3. European Union and Supranational Governance
3.4. External Relations and Security Policy
4. Economic European Studies
4.1. Economic History of Europe
4.2. European Economic Integration
Berstein, Serge; Milza, Pierre. (2007) História da Europa. Do séc. XIX ao início do séc. XXI. Lisboa: Plátano.
Graça Moura, Vasco (2013) A Identidade Cultural Europeia. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Neutel, Fernanda (2019) A Construção da União Europeia. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Ribeiro, Maria Manuela Tavares (2010) Imaginar a Europa. Coimbra: Almedina.
Steiner, George (2017) A Ideia de Europa. Lisboa: Relógio D’Agua.
Tavares, José (2019) A Europa não é um país estrangeiro. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Asynchronous distance learning, e-learning, with provision of guided readings, small exercises, forum comments, and a synchronous moment for sharing and clarifying doubts.
The preferred assessment method is continuous assessment, consisting of 2 assessment components throughout the semester (partial e-portfolios): the first will be a multiple-choice test (25%), the second will involve the submission of a short video presentation on one of the topics covered (25%); and a final assessment moment, the Global e-portfolio, to take place at the end of the semester (50%). However, students may, at the appropriate time, choose a single assessment moment, taking a Final Assessment (exam) with a weight of 100%.