Social intervention and Aging
Cod: 41113
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Social Politics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

This course aims to understand aging from its conceptual deconstruction. In the context of contemporary societies, the social and cultural dimensions of aging are particularly valued. In this sense, it is made known, in general, the mechanisms of aging, from the biological, psychological and demographic point of view. The social policies of aging are identified and the understanding of social responses is stimulated. There is also a concern to provide students with analytical tools for an understanding of the complex reality of aging, which paradoxically suggests this phenomenon as a remarkable social progress, largely due to the responsibility of current social policies, but which may cause financial and institutional balances sustained by these same policies. Thus, it invests in the search for an understanding of this reality and the challenges imposed on societies in their organization and ways of life. In this sense, theoretical and practical knowledge of everyday social intervention in aging are presented and tools are provided to bring students closer to practice.

Old age as a social construct
Social policies

It is intended that at the end of this course, the student has acquired the following skills:
•    Know in general the mechanisms of biological and psychological aging;
•    Know the demographic aspects of the aging of the contemporary society population and, in particular, of the Portuguese reality;
•    Understand the aging process in contemporary western society and reflect on aging as a process of social construction and in international political agendas;
•    Know and discuss the social policies of old age and the social action and health system of the Portuguese reality and understand the intervention process in aging and with elderly people.


•    Demographic Aspects of Aging: Mechanisms of biological and psychological aging.
•    Society and aging: historical and social context.
•    Aging on political agendas and the development of the concept of active aging.    
•    Rights of the elderly and problems associated with aging.
•    Social policies of old age and social intervention in the social action and health system.


Capucha, Luís (2005). Envelhecimento e políticas sociais: novos desafios aos sistemas de protecção: protecção contra o "risco de velhice": que risco?. Sociologia. Porto : Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. ISSN 0872-3419. XV (2005).

Carvalho, Maria Irene (2014). Serviço Social e Envelhecimento. Lisboa: Pactor
Carvalho, M. I. L. B.; Pinto, Carla. eds. (2014). Serviço social. Teorias e práticas ed. 1, 1 vol., ISBN: 978-989-693-040-0. Lisboa: Pactor. Capítulo associação de Alzheimer

Carvalho, M. I. (2013). Cartografia das Políticas de Combate à Violência em Idosos. Um Estudo Exploratório. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 1(1), 54-76. doi: 10.4471/rasp.2013.03Carvalho, M. I. L. B.. (2011). "Violência sobre as pessoas idosas e Serviço Social", Revista Kairós Gerontologia, Brasil PUC-SP 14, 1: 43 - 64.
Camarano, a. a., Pasinato, M.Y. (s/d) o envelhecimento populacional na agenda das políticas públicas, pp. 253-291
Dias, Isabel (2012). O uso das tecnologias digitais entre os seniores: motivações e interesses Sociologia Problemas e práticas. p. 51-77
Dias, Isabel (2005) Envelhecimento e violência contra os idosos.

Correia,  J. Martins (2003) Introdução à Gerontologia, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta
Fernandes, Ana Alexandre. (2001) Velhice, solidariedades familiares e política social: itinerário de pesquisa em torno do aumento da esperança de vida e FFMS (2013).  Processos do Envelhecimento em Portugal. Lisboa: FFMS e ICS
Lima, Antónia Pedroso (2010), Envelhecimento(s), Estado da Arte, Coimbra, Impressa da Universidade de Coimbra.
ONU (2002), International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002, in 2.ª Assembleia Mundial sobre o Envelhecimento. Madrid: 2002, p. 59.
Quaresma, M.L E Ribeirinho, C. (2016). Envelhecimento – Desafios do Séc. XXI Revista Kairós Gerontologia, 19(3), pp. 29-49. I
Rosa, Maria João Valente Rosa (2012), O envelhecimento da sociedade Portuguesa, Lisboa: FFMS.
Sequeira, Carlos (2007), Cuidar de Idosos Dependentes. Coimbra, Quarteto Editora, p. 310.
Viegas, Susana de Matos; Gomes, Catarina Antunes (2007), A Identidade na Velhice, Porto, Âmbar.
Almeida, Mariana (2007), «Envelhecimento: Activo? Bem-sucedido? Saudável? Possíveis coordenadas de análise…»Fórum Sociológico, nº 17, pp.17-24.
Carvalho, Maria Irene (2012), Envelhecimento e cuidados domiciliários em Instituições de solidariedade, Lisboa: Coisas de ler.

Figueiredo, Daniela (2007), Cuidados Familiares ao Idoso Dependente, Lisboa, Climepsi Editores.
Ribeiro, Óscar; Paúl, Constança (coord.) (2011), Manual de envelhecimento activo, Lisboa, Lidel.
Sousa, Liliana et al. (2004), Envelhecer em Família, Os Cuidados Familiares na Velhice. Porto, Ambar, p.171.
Teixeira Fernandes, A. (2005) Processos e estratégias de envelhecimento Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, vol. 15, pp.223-247 Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

During the class will be indicated several authors, magazines, articles, specific links to the theme of Intervention in Aging must read.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

If it’s possible we’ll have an Open class
- Class with an expert in Technical gerontology (or other professional who works with the aging people).