General Ecology
Cod: 21026
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Science and Technology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

This course unit provides the students with key knowledge on a large scientific area focusing specially on six themes: Ecosystems, Energy in ecosystems, Biogeochemical cycles, Biological communities, Population Ecology and Community Ecology. In each theme concepts are explained in a simple yet detailed way, allowing the students progression into more complex subjects introduced by each following chapter.
During the progression of the study on the basis of e-learning the are some activities and exercises on the themes so that students can, by themselves, evaluate the way they apprehended the themes.

Since Ecology is a vast science in constant evolution the teacher makes an effort to publish, when possible, monographies that bring the subjects up to date.

3.Natural Resources
4. Sustainability

1. Using and applying obtained knowledge so as to understand the essential facts, concepts, principles and ecological theories.
Applying scientific knowledge in everyday situations and in the planning and implementation of specific projects.
Working with scientific data and information and to comment on specific aspects of ecologic research.
Obtaining information from several sources and to evaluate that information taking into account the scientific theories and ecological concepts and apply them to the discussion of contemporary ecological matters.
Using conceptual models to understand, develop and apply scientific principles.

• Ecosystems
• Energy in ecosystems
• Biogeochemical cycles
• Biological communities
• Population Ecology
• Community Ecology

Carapeto, C. (2015). Ecossistemas de Transição. Formato / EPUB
ISBN / 9789892058061; Editora / ESCRYTOS|ED. AUTOR (Revisto por Pares / Peer Reviewed)

Monteverde, A.L. (2014). Breves Notas Sobre Demografia Humana. Formato / EPUB; ISBN / 9789892048383; Editora / ESCRYTOS|ED. AUTOR

Textos colocados na plataforma e atualizados anualmente


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

Official language: Portuguese